
From Zero In 2019 To 41 In 2021, The Number Of Indians Who Became Pakistani Last Year

Indians migrating Pakistani citizenshipvia

The bilateral connections between India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan are well known all across the world. The ties between the two nations are complicated and generally unpleasant. Its origin is present in numerous political and historical incidents. The division of British India in August 1947 is perhaps most notable. The border between India and Pakistan is also one of the world’s most heavily protected international borders. All these factors make the process of getting Indian Citizenship for a Pakistani citizen a bit too difficult. However, many Indians got Pakistani citizenship in 2021.


Number Of Indians Who Became Pakistani Last Year

Atari Border

There were zero Indians who got Pakistani citizenship in 2019, but there were 7 in 2020 and 41 in 2021. Government data is often the source to report it. Often thousands of Indians move to countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. They do it to lead a better social and economic lifestyle. Giving up Indian citizenship to move to Pakistan is exceptional, though.

Last year, more than 163,000 Indians renounced their citizenship. It is the highest number since 2015. According to the data, over half of them decided to become US citizens. The Indian Constitution and the citizenship laws do not permit dual citizenship. As a result, anyone who becomes a citizen of India and then obtains a foreign nationality must formally renounce their Indian citizenship.


Real-World Example


Padmini Rathore is a descendant of the Kanota royal dynasty of Rajasthan’s Jaipur district. In 2015, she wed Kunwar Karni Singh Sodha of Pakistan’s Sindh province’s Amarkot district. Sodhas often marry Rajputs from across the border in India. It is based on family history and horoscopes. Over 100 guests from Pakistan were among the many guests that attended their wedding. They gave blessings as Kunwar Karni Singh Sodha and Padmini Rathore exchanged wedding vows in a Jaipur heritage hotel.

At the time, the marriage was in the media as a “Pakistani boy, Indian girl, and a royal wedding in Jaipur.” A wedding beyond borders was the focus of another headline. Padmini is still struggling with the filthy bureaucratic misery seven years later. Those who tie the knot over the most dangerous border in the world typically face it. The tale of Padmini explains why some Indians have opted to become Pakistani citizens. It also demonstrates the difficulties they face.

Padmini applied for Pakistani citizenship for marital reasons, like the majority of Indians who do so. However, one of the main causes of the couple’s forced relocation to Pakistan is the delay in the citizenship application. According to Padmini, the notion of relocating to Pakistan is not unusual in her group. Her husband’s grandmother hails from Bikaner, and his mother hails from Ajmer. All three of her in-law sisters are in India after their marriage, one in Bangalore and two in Uttar Pradesh.


Applications For Indian Citizenship From Pakistan

Atari Border India Pakistan Bus

7,306 citizens of Pakistan have submitted applications to the Indian government for citizenship. The data is till December 14, 2021. The Parliament got to know about this on December 22 by Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai. Nearly 70% of the pending applications submitted in the last five years are from Pakistani nationals. This was the ministry’s response to a question posed by MP Abdul Wahab.

Traveling overseas is also problematic because there are currently just two re-entries in Pakistan each year. Earlier, it was four re-entries each year before the Pulwama attack. Many people, including the Bollywood industry, also reacted to the Pulwama incident, where we lost our brave hearts. There are now logistical and financial issues as a result of the scenario.

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Simran Kumari
the authorSimran Kumari
Senior Content Writer
I am an entertainment writer with a passion for journalism. I enjoys writing about a wide range of topics including entertainment, politics, and lifestyle. I always keeps herself updated about the current trends, movies, web series, and celebrity gossip. Throughout my professional journey, I have covered various genres and is always eager to learn new things. In my free time, I loves embarking on adventures.