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These Exercises And Diet You Should Follow After Recovering From COVID-19

Exercises And Food Post COVID-19via

There are many post COVID signs that are seen after coronavirus recovery. After recovering from the coronavirus, the most important thing is to keep yourself fit. Every person who has recovered from COVID-19 has many questions regarding his fitness and health, such as when to start the exercise or how to keep a diet. To find answers to similar questions, Shalini Bhargava, a Mumbai-based nutritionist and fitness expert, has shared her views about the exercises and diet you should follow after recovering from COVID-19.


How To Rejuvenate A Body Weakened By COVID-19?

Signs body look old

It is suggested that proper rest has to be taken for at least one week after a person has recovered from COVID-19 so that the body can get rest. During this period, it is essential to keep yourself hydrated. This means there should be no shortage of water in the body. He/she should drink 3-4 liters of water every day. Along with this, it would be beneficial to drink coconut water, lemonade, or glucose solution too.


The First Thing To Keep In Mind When You Recover

Mental Health Mindfulness

Corona has the greatest effect on the lungs. In such a situation, pay attention to those exercises so that the lungs remain healthy. Practice Yoga and Pranayama exercises daily since these exercises are the best options to make sure that the lungs are healthy. By practicing pranayama, the respiratory tract remains healthy, and blood flow also remains proper.


When To Start Exercising?

Healthiest Countries In The World

It is recommended that the person should not start exercising as soon as one has recovered from COVID-19. The reason is it may cause some kind of injury. Once the person has well-rested for a week or so, one should consult the doctor first and get their BP and sugar levels checked. Once they make sure that all your health parameters are correct, it is the right time to start the exercise.


How To Diet During Post-Covid Exercise?

Exercises And Food Post COVID-19

According to Dr. Shalini Bhargava, along with exercise, taking a balanced diet is also very important. A recovered person must have sufficient carbohydrates, vitamins, and protein in the food. Additionally, if he/she includes seasonal fruits in your diet, it would prove to be very helpful. Make sure to eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as amla, lemon, orange, and tangerine. At the same time, it is essential to keep yourself away from junk food and fried food and avoid sugar. Instead of this, you can eat fruits and dry fruits which contain natural sugar. For complete recovery from corona, drinking 3-4 liters of water and eating seasonal fruits is necessary, be away from sugar.


Are Exercise And Diet Enough?

Mental Health

Along with physical fitness, mental fitness is also an essential part of COVID-19 recovery. Seeing their family and people around them getting infected by COVID-19 may increase the mental stress of many people and affect the mental health. In such a situation, it is advisable to do something that interests you and helps you to calm the mind. Exercising also gives you positive energy, which makes your mind stable.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator