
Containment Zone Will Remain In Lockdown TiIl June 30; New Guidelines For Unlock 1

Unlock 1via

India is now the ninth affected nation in the world from a coronavirus pandemic. There are already more than 1 lakh 73 thousand people who suffered from COVID-19 in India. Every day the numbers are increasing. India is in lockdown since March 25. Due to lockdown, many migrant workers and students stuck in several parts of the country. The government has started Shramik Special Trains for all the migrant workers. Slowly, the government has begun giving several exemptions to improve the economy. Lockdown 4 is ending tomorrow, and from June 1, India will start open slowly, and it is called Unlock 1. The government has made the guidelines for Unlock 1, and it will be till June 30.

Unlock 1

According to the new guidelines, all activities outside containment zones have been allowed to resume in a phased manner. The guidelines will come into effect from June 1 and will be active till June 30. This current phase of re-opening Unlock 1 will focus on the economy. All the activities that were prohibited earlier will be opened up in areas outside containment zones in a phased manner, with the stipulation of following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be prescribed by the Health Ministry.

In Phase 1, Religious places and places of worship for the public; hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality services; and shopping malls; will be permitted to open from June 8, 2020. The Health Minister will issue SOP’s for the above activities, in consultation with the Central Ministries/ Departments concerned and other stakeholders, for ensuring social distancing and to continue the spread of COVID-19.

In Phase II, Schools, colleges, educational/ training/ coaching institutions, etc., will be opened after consultations with States and UTs. State Government / UT administrations are being advised to hold consultations at the institution level with parents and other stakeholders. Based on the feedback, a decision on the re-opening of these institutions will be taken in July 2020. MoHFW will prepare SOP for these institutions.

Now the pass will not be needed to travel from one state to another state. The home ministry has also removed all restrictions on inter-state movement. The lockdown will remain in the containment zone till June 30. Till June 30, the night curfew will continue throughout the country, but the timings will be from 9 PM to 5 AM.

In Phase 3, based on the assessment of the situation, dates for re-starting the following activities will be decided.

  • International air travel of passengers
  • Metro Rail
  • Cinema halls
  • Gymnasiums
  • Swimming pools
  • Entertainment parks
  • Theatres
  • Bars and auditoriums,
  • Assembly halls and similar places
  • Social/political/sports/entertainment/academic/cultural/religious functions/ and other large congregations.

Check out the National Directives for COVID-19 Management

1. Face coverings: Wearing of face cover is compulsory in public places; in the workplace; and during transport.

2. Social distancing: Individuals must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet in public places. Shops will ensure physical distancing among customers and will not allow mere than five people at one time.

3. Gathering: Large public gatherings/congregations continue to remain prohibited.

Marriage related gatherings: Number of guests not to exceed 50

Funeral/Last rites related gatherings: Number of persons not to exceed 20

4. Spitting in public places will be punishable with fine, as may be prescribed by the State/ UT local authority in accordance with its laws, rules, or regulations.

5. Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco, etc. in public places is prohibited.

Additional directives for Workplaces

6. Work from home(WFH): As far as possible, the practice of WFH should be followed.

7. Staggering of work/business hours will be followed in offices, workplaces, shops, markets, and industrial & commercial establishments.

8. Screening & hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash, and sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.

9. Frequent sanitization of entire workplace common facilities and all points which come into human contact example door handles etc. will be ensured, including between shifts.

10. Social distancing: All persons in charge of workplaces will ensure the adequate distance between workers, adequate gaps between shifts, staggering the lunch breaks of staff, etc.

Yesterday, it was the first time when recovered cases were more than the new patients. More than 11000 patients recovered. India is fighting with this coronavirus, and together we can win the battle against it.

But as far as possible avoid going outside especially the people above 65 and the children below 10 We request everyone to follow the guidelines and take precautions from coronavirus.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator