
Beware Of These Fraud Calls, Else You Will End Up In Huge Loss

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How many of you get these Fraud calls or Spam calls ? I am sure many of you and some of you might have got trapped by their sweet voice as well. It is a SCAM. Today I will discuss with you one such incident which is currently trapping people on the name of State Bank of India (SBI).


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Early morning today, I got a call from Delhi based number regarding SBI Credit Cards. A voice from the other end started the discussion. 'I am calling from SBI card and this call is regarding your reward coins. As per customer complaints we are stopping the reward coins scheme and in place of it you will be getting a Discount Card'. In that Discount card you will be getting 25% off across India in Shopping and Groceries. From this line you will start believing her as she talks so confidently. Than she has asked for the Credit card 16 digit number, Date of Birth, Expiry Date. She will tell you the first four digits of your credit card to gain your confidence. But let me tell you one thing every card whether it is Visa or Mastercard, all has a series to start with. In talks she will ask you every details and you will end up giving all the details.


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To proceed further she will ask you your address to keep your confidence intact. She will believe that you are a fool giving all the details but this is where she became over confident. Than she will ask are you sure you need a discount card and off course I said Yes. She said I am raising the request for the same and for that I need your CVV, give me the last three digits of the back side and she will tell the first four digits at the backside of your card. How many times bank remind you not to share your CVV and OTP with anyone? I am sure countless number of times.

After questioning her the same, she replied that yes I do agree with the same but in shopping center you give your card to the counter for swap so they can also see your CVV. Than to make sure you should not loose confidence she will tell you that you can call on this number any time and will tell you her fake employee ID starting with SBI. Guys these people are smart but this time her excess of information will make you feel that something is fishy.

I mean why someone from SBI will be so so desperate to provide you a discount card and why someone will tell her employee ID. After that I got an OTP in my handset and she told that see if I would have not from SBI than how you would have got the message from SBI ? Please share the OTP to confirm your discount card. Once you will confirm, she will tell that you will get a call from her supervisor in half an hour for the verification, please do attend. You will say sure. What I did was provided her a wrong CVV with false OTP to see what is their next role to trap.


Call From Supervisor

After 20 minutes, I got a call again from the different number and she started that this call is from verification department and she will verify your details and than she will open the mouth that there will be a one time charges of Rs 6999 and for that you will get gifts like Lotto Shoes, Blackberry Shirt, Levis Jeans etc. But till that time it will be too late for you as you would have already provided the OTP. I said NO, I don't want. But she will not listen and do the transaction. Even though she was smart but luckily I was smart enough as I provided wrong details to her. Transaction got canceled because of incorrect information and I saved myself. But than when I started cross questioning she dropped the call and than never picked up. Please note down the numbers 01169416565, 01165091410, 01165340117 and there might be many more as they have a network of frauds.


How They Get Your Information ?

Whenever you go to shopping malls, petrol pumps, there will be people asking you to fill up the form and get gifts, vouchers etc. Don't give your details to them, they collect your data from various sources and sell your information.




Fraud Calls


Don't share your OTP, Credit Card Details with any one as bank also tells you not to provide any one as they don't ask this information. Never share your details with any unknown people for your greediness. You will end up in huge loss. If at all you get a call from these numbers than you can do two things:

1. Very simple, don't pick the call.

2. Don't become a victim of SPAM, instead gather all your frustrations and take that out on them, you will feel like wining a race, trust me. wink


Spread this news and telephone numbers to as many people as you can so that you can save your friends and family for such frauds.


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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator

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