
Advertisement Makers Sure Knew How To Catch A Viewers Attention With These Ads

Attract Advertisement by amazing ad makersvia

16. Canadian Water Park Ad

Canadian Waterpark ad

Splashdown Waterpark is a water-based theme park in Canada which released this particular add to attract visitors in summer.


17. Hygenic Ad For A Healthy Life

Durex Condom advertisement

This condom ad was released right after Christmas holidays with a slogan –  “No food coloring. No gluten. No sugar. Zero calories.”


18. A Simplistic Drawing

Drawing class advertisement

This ad campaign was run by a drawing class to attract aspiring artists to join their drawing classes.

There you go, these are just some advertisement from an ocean of ads. Surely some of them must have caught your eye. Maybe even all of them. These advertisements attracted lots of attention towards their respective company. But some changed the global market drastically. Take a look at some of this Market changing advertisements.