
US Daredevil Experimenting Skydive Without Parachute

This US Daredevil Is Going To Experiment Skydive Without Parachute And WingsuitThis US Daredevil Is Going To Experiment Skydive Without Parachute And Wingsuit


Skydive without parachute and NO wing suit

The most dangerous stunt you have ever seen live.

Luke Aikins had made 18,000 jumps till now with parachute.


He is attempting to skydive without parachute and without wing suit, going to jump from the airplane at 25,000 feet this weekend.


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The Fox Network is going to capture this live and broadcast this around at 8:00 p.m EDT as part of an hour long TV special show “Heaven sent”




What Made Him To Take This Decision?


42-yr-old daredevil has practically lived his life in sky. Right from the age 12, he has been doing this skydiving. Aikins trained some of the most elite skydivers. He even did stunts for “Ironman 3”.

Chris Talley who worked with Aikins on several projects proposed this parachute free idea to Smith who is the creative director of Amusement Park Entertainment saying Aikins is the only guy careful enough to survive this spine chilling feat.


When asked Aikins, Why?


He said, "To me, I'm proving that we can do stuff that we don't think we can do if we approach it the right way,"

"I've got 18,000 jumps with a parachute, so why not without this time?" he muses almost to himself. "But I'm trying to show that it can be done." he added.


Isn’t He Nervous?


Yes he is nervous, he says, “If I wasn’t nervous I would be stupid”.

Aikins said, “He will be constantly fighting strong and shifting winds as he falls 120mph.”

The net in which Aikins is going to land is being hoisted. It will be around one-third size of the football field and 20 stories high to provide enough space to cushion his fall from airplane at 25,000 feet.

The fishing trawler net where Aikins is going to land has been tested using dummies. One of those 91kg dummies didn’t bounce but it just crashed right through.




Stick on to the Fox network today July 30 8pm EST to see this stunt live.

Have dare to watch this breathtaking stunt??


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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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