
Meet Sultan The Daredevil Dog From Mumbai Who Loves Riding On Auto Rooftops


A little pup named Sultan, loves to do things out of the box and that too on the Mumbai street. The road pup gets on top of auto rickshaw and nonchalantly balances on top of it. Walking is cliche for the pup so it likes to travel on a rickshaw. Yes, you heard it right, it literally travels ‘on’ the rooftop like a boss.

In this 15-second video, Sultan is seen standing on the roof fearlessly as the wind blows all over its face. He is loving all the attention!

Sultan travelling in rooftop

Sultan seems to really enjoy riding on the roof tops and he doesn’t seem to flinch one bit. It must surely be one of a kind sight to the locals!

Sultan travelling in rooftop

Imagine walking down the street or going in a vehicle and you suddenly see a dog riding an auto on its roof top like a boss! I would definitely lose my mind!

Sultan travelling in rooftop

Several people have commented on the video. While a few people think the dog’s feat is impressive, some are saying the stunt looks dangerous. One Twitter user even claims to have seen the same sight earlier as well.


Opinions Varied As Usual Among The Online Folks

While Some Clearly Enjoyed It!

What do you think about Sultan’s favorite sport? Comment your opinions below! Dogs never fail to amaze. Love dogs? Well, make sure you read about this shocking research which reveals what dogs dream about and it will surely bring you to tears!