
Menstrual Paid Leave Policy In India, A Pleasing Gift To Women From These Companies




The menstrual paid leave policy enters India and offers a day off for the women working in Culture Machine and Gozoop.


Menstrual Leave Policy 

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As 90 percent of you must be familiar with the word Menstrual Leave Policy but there is a huge number in the unaware list, Menstrual leave is the optional leave, that a woman asks for during her menstrual cycle, when the punishing pain does not allow the woman to work. According to menstrual leave policy, the woman would be granted the leave as the agony can be lethal. This leave can be paid or unpaid depending upon the term and condition of the company. 


Started In Japan

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The term (menstrual leave) originated in the previous century, when labor women started facing deadly problems in this regards and the men could see the suffering their wife bore and this leads to a forced implementation of this policy. The practical, progressive policy then proliferated in the ample countries of the world.  Somehow the India overlooked upon the policy but the credit goes to Culture Machine (75 women employees) and Gozoop, the first brace of companies, who introduced the menstrual paid leave policy to India. 


Now No Bothering

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The policy brings matchless happiness to the women all over the country. Some associated with the companies, others having the ray of hope. They can see the miserable stomachache and the irksome headache going a separate way from theirs’.


A Pleasing Gift

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Without resisting their blessedness and temptation, woman from Mumbai wasted a little time in making a video, showing the beatitude and delight they are having by the removal of their overlooked botheration.


Know Their Needs

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Although, the policy is having the deal with alert devoir but it is being criticized eventually. The other sex found it all in all, unfair. As we all know world cannot be unanimous on any policy or scheme we just need to know that the men in Japan forced the policy out from law, for the valuable exigency of the women. Learning from that event we need to accept the requirements of women.

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Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.

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