
7 Amazing Things To Do On Your Birthday!


There is so much more that you can do on your birthday rather than going to the bar and drinking you ass off(pardon the language) Here’s a list of things you can do that instead.



Explore places around you and yourself at the same time! Travel alone, or take your family and friends and go on a vacation. It will blow your mind and will perhaps even make it the best birthday ever for you. 

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2. Go To The Beach

If your city has a beach, then great for you! Visit it and lose yourself in the endless beauty of the endless waters. 

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3. Thank Your Parents

Express your gratitude towards them for having raised you so finely and for always having been there. It will make both you and them happy. What more could one ask for? 

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4. Donate To Charity

Start your birthday off by being selfless and giving away any old clothes and money for charity. It’s a good feeling when you put someone else’s needs before your desires for once. 

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5. Reconnect With Your Old Friends 

Start talking to all your friends and relatives whom you are not in touch with and reconnect. Relive those memories and create new ones!  

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6. Gift Yourself A New Skill Or Hobby

Learn something new! Learn how to play a musical instrument, start playing a new sport, start knitting, just whatever. Do something new and exciting!




7. Pamper Yourself

After all, it’s YOUR day. Pamper yourself all you want, with a spa treatment, plenty of shopping and binge eating. Do what makes you feel special on your special day.  

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Afterall, it is YOUR BIRTHDAY and it’s totally upto you about what you want to do, but make sure you make the most out of it and make it the best! 


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Divya Raghav
the authorDivya Raghav
Divya Raghav is an enthusiastic environmentalist who loves writing about everything around her. Make her some good coffee and she'll be friends with you forever.

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