
Happy World Emoji Day: Check Out The Lesser Known Meaning Of These Emojis

We Have Been Using These Emojis Wrong

World Emoji Day 2018via

Emojis were created to add slight emotions to our text and to give us a new experience of texting. Now they have become an important part of texting. We use them daily. There are expressions for every emoji, but we don’t know about them all, do we? On this occasion of World Emoji day, we have brought you some of the emojiis and their lesser known meaning.


1. The Poop Emoji

World Emoji Day 2018

We frequently use this emoji to express unpleasant things or an inept person. But in Japanese culture, this is a symbol of good luck. So if next time someone sent you this, just look for the positive side.


2. The Girls With Bunny Ears

World Emoji Day 2018

We may use this when we are showing excitement. Well, the real meaning of the emoji is quite different. It is used to show the sex appeal as the black horns are bunny ears which are used in cosplay.


3. A Shooting Star

World Emoji Day 2018

The shooting star reminds us about “making a wish”, we generally relate the shooting star emoji to this. However, it is used to indicate the dizziness.


4. The Woman Tipping Hand

World Emoji Day 2018

People often use this emoji to display multiple expressions. Some use it to express sass, while others use it to express a “whatever” situation. However, it is just an information desk girl emoji. It is quite weird as there is no need for a desk girl emoji. Hence, you can continue using this one the way you want.


5. Praying Hands

World Emoji Day 2018

We may use this one as a praying symbol. But there is a different meaning to this. In the Japanese culture, people show gratitude in this pose. Moreover, it is the symbol of asking an apology.

Happy world emoji day! Keep on using the emojis and share the real meaning of these emojis with your friends.

Also, check when Mumbai Indians players were had to wear the emojis outfit. 

Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.