Today we have brought you 20 symptoms of HIV. If you feel any of these, don’t waste your time just visit your doctor.
1. Anxiety

If you are having problems in doing even the easiest things as you are feeling unreasonable anxiety, you need to visit your doctor. We hope, the report would state you negative.
2. Acute Weight Loss

If you are losing weight even when you can find the reason behind it, you need to visit your doctor to discuss it.
3. Rashes On Skin

If the rashes have literally covered your skin then it can be a matter of concern.
4. Uneven Nails

If you witness something like this, there are a majority of chances that you are HIV positive.
5. Week Digestion

Apart from the immune system, the virus also affects your digestion system
6. Growing Allergies

You were allergic to something but now that something can affect you from a large distance and it is hard to spend 1 second near that something.
7. Lack Of Focus

If it is hard for you to maintain your focus on your work, unfortunately, the virus had messed your system.
8. Tingling

Tingling of arms or legs is extremely common. It happens due to botheration. Moreover, it can happen due to pressure on nerves. In the worst case, it can happen due to HIV.
9. Diarrhea

If you are feeling, your Diarrhea is incurable, then probably you have acquired the immune deficiency syndrome.
10. Neurological Disorders

It also affects your neurological disorders. Hence, it is certain that you will see this symptom.
11. Herpes

Herpes are one of the prime symptoms of HIV in your body. Undoubtedly, it can be bad but the things are always just one step away from getting worst.
12. Vomiting

If you have nausea feeling all the time and all the time you seek the toilet as you need to throw up, there are chances that you have acquired the disease.
13. Swelling In Many Parts.

If you find any swelling in your Lymph Nodes, in your armpits, groins or neck. Just visit the doctor
14. Ulcer

They can occur due to many reasons and the worst among the various reasons is HIV.
15. Fatigue

If you are feeling fatigue all the time and, almost zero energy you have for doing any work. Just consult your doctor.
16. Pneumonia

Aids doesn’t come alone it brings a lot of diseases and Pneumonia is one of them.
17. Sweaty Nights

It is 2am and you are full of sweat on your bed. If the air conditioner is working perfectly, no doubt, your body is not working properly.
18. Fever

Another disease is fever. The HIV positive person always suffers the chronic fever.
19. Pain In Muscle And Joints

It is the main symptom of the disease. You will feel chronic pain as your immune system got corrupted and there is no cure.
20. Yeast Infection

If you see these kinds of rashes on your body or tongue, it is time for you to fix an appointment with your doctor.
If you are aware about other symptoms of HIV, please share with us.