Money is not easy to get. People work hard for years to make a living. But some just get really lucky and earn millions in just a night. So, here are 10 people who become millionaires overnight. Take a look and be amazed at their stories. Some of them won at lottery while some discovered something underneath their land.
1. Kevin Lewis

A Cincinnati casino gave away two $1 Million grand prizes after accidentally giving the initial grand prize to someone with the same name as the intended winner. Both men were about the same age with the same name living in the same area. After the mistake had been discovered the casino decided just to let the wrong Kevin Lewis keep the money and awarded the intended winner a giant check as well. Both Kevin Lewis’s became instant millionaires.
2. Oscar and Loreen Stohler

A modest couple from a Western North Dakota farm Oscar and Lorraine Stohler were literally sitting on millions before crude oil was discovered on their land. Before the Great Recession, many farmers in North Dakota earned millions by owning rich oil land. The strollers who were in their 80s were skeptical at first even though they became a lucky millionaire couple, the scholars continue to drive their old pickup truck stating they like their old stuff too much to replace it.
3. Amanda Hocking

Amanda Hocking beginning as a desperately broke writer Amanda Hocking made her unpublished novel available on Kindle to make a few hundred dollars. She had no idea she’d make over $20000 in six months 2.5 million dollars in 20 months and in the process changed publishing forever; no booking agent, publishing house, sales force, marketing manager, bookshop, just her.
4. Marv Doniger

After a medical physician failed to diagnose his cancer, an angry Marv Doniger decided to sue. Doniger was a management consultant to Fortune companies until he was forced to retire as a result of his unrecognized disease. The doctor thought is a simple case of kidney stones, but Doniger’s problems persisted. He spent three months in UCLA hospital had his bladder removed, and when he was released he was unable to walk. Although he regained his ability to walk with the hell for the cane and leg braces. He was never able to resume his career the lawsuit went on for a few years and two trials but resulted in Doniger winning 3.3 million just like that.
5. Jonathan Duhamel

Although Jonathan Duhamel always dreamed of becoming an all Star hockey player, he instead became a millionaire after trying his hand at poker. Duhamel won near 9 million dollar prize in the main event at the 2010 World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. He was only 23 years old at the time and he is the first Canadian to ever take the title.