
In Next Ten Years Indian Property Growth Will Be Fastest In The World – Read Here

Indian property growthvia

Indians will have the fastest 200% increase. This is predicted to happen in the next 10 years. Britain and Germany will become fourth richest in the world. This is great news for India and the citizens as well. It is predicted that in the upcoming years India will flourish like never before and move in the list of countries to the top. Let us hope the predictions come true and our nation develops and prospers.


The Wealth Of Indians Has Increased By 25% From 2016 to 2017


The personal wealth of Indians is growing at the fastest pace in the world. According to the report of Afrasia Bank and New World Wealth, the personal wealth of Indians will increase by 200% in the next 10 years. That means, the total private property of Indians will be more than Rs 16 lakh crore.


10% US And 20% Faster Than UK, Our Property Will Grow


Indians’ wealth is 10 times higher than the US, while 20-20 times faster than Britain and Germany. The personal wealth of Indians is estimated to increase. This increase will possibly be from Rs 5.35 lakh crore to 16.01 lakh crore.


Here Are Some Interesting Statistics

  • 2017 position
  • America 40.68
  • China 16.12
  • Japan 12.68
  • Britain 6.44
  • Germany 6.27
  • India 5.35


  • Property in lakh crores
  • Estimate for 2027
  • America 48.81
  • China 45.14
  • Japan 16.50
  • India 16.01
  • Britain 7.0

By December 2017, the personal wealth of people around the world was 13975 lakh crores. There are 1.52 crore people in the world who have a personal property of 6.5 million or more. There are 2252 billionaires in the world. Each of them has an average asset of 6500 crores.


Americans Will Still Be The Top 10 After 10 Years


Not only that, in this case, the UK will become the fifth richest in the world by surpassing Germany. At present, India is number 6 with assets of 5.35 lakh crore, and with US $ 40.68 million worth of assets, the number of Americans will remain the top even after 10 years. However, during this time, their property is estimated to increase by just 20%.


How Is The Person’s Property Calculated?


This report has been analysed in the last 10 years and in the next 10 years, the growth of personal property of people across the world has been analysed. It does not include the property or fund of any country’s government. The country’s property means the property of the people there. It includes properties, cash, equity, earnings from business etc. Of these, the property is calculated by reducing the debt which does not include any kind of government property.


Change In India In 10 Years


According to the report, in 10 years, the number of industries, entrepreneurs and better education systems will increase.This also means that good English speakers will also increase in India. Apart from this, there is a tremendous growth in financial and banking services, IT sector, BPO, real estate, healthcare and the media sector. Overall, there is much progress awaiting the nation. India is definitely anticipating better days for development. And according to the report, having the fastest growth in property means better lifestyles for many people.

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.