India’s ranking in the global trust index may have fallen slightly, but the confidence of the people of the country is still firm on the Modi government. Last year, where India was on top of this ranking, this year, it has dropped two places to third place this year.

In aggregate, India’s trust rating across govt, media, NGOs, and business fell 13 percentage points, statistically marking one of the sharpest decreases. But in each category, it remained in the 60-100 band marking popular ‘trust’ in institutions. Media was the lowest at 61, dropping five points since 2017.

The annual Global Trust Index, released by communications marketing firm Edelman in Davos last week, showed that China gained strongly and jumped to the top position whereas the US reported the steepest decline in public trust in its institutions. China’s climb could be linked to the view in the country that it has gained at the expense of a US “withdrawal” from the Asia-Pacific in trade and security.

Despite tough reforms such as demonetization and goods and services tax, the ranking would surely come as good news for the Modi government.

The index showed that globally, trust in government, media and NGOs was low as 20 out of 28 countries surveyed online during October-November last year came in the categories where general population distrusted those institutions. India, as last year, continued to buck this trend.

Though there was a fall in the ranking, we still managed to stay in the top 3 and it is good news for our government as they had taken many severe decisions and brought in sudden changes which caused some difficulties in common man lives but when there is still trust in the people of the nation, everything can be rebuilt and it the base for the progress of a nation! Jai Hind!
Did you know we don’t only have a trustworthy government but very strong forces too? Check out these Indian Special forces which are among the best in the world!