
IIM Professor Heartwarming Post Towards Strangers Who Helped His Son Is Worth Reading

IIM Professorvia

Some incidents assure us that humanity still exists. Whereas some incidents make us question, does humanity exist? In India, thousands of people die every year due to road accidents. If victims get timely help, then many lives can be saved. And I don’t know, why people don’t come forward to help.

However, the incident I am sharing with you today makes you believe that humanity still exists. An Assistant Professor from IIM Calcutta has posted a heartfelt message on Facebook, thanking those who helped his son after he met with an accident.

Assistant Professor from IIM Calcutta Aloke Kumar’s son Abhishek had met with an accident while he was returning from the Parsee Fire Temple at Metcalfe St, Lal Bazar in Kolkata.


Humanity Still Exists

According to Kumar’s post,


His son Abhishek met with an accident when he was returning from a visit to the Parsee Fire Temple at Metcalfe St, Lal Bazar. He was hit by a speeding public bus while he was dismounting the flyover at Jawahar Lal Nehru Road, opposite to Virginia House.

Luckily, he wore a helmet and was thrown off his Vespa two-wheeler and hit the road. He blacked-out for 5 to 7 minutes completely. Passersby and pedestrians gathered and got him back to senses.

They offered water and lifted his twisted vehicle physically from the main road and parked in the foot-path.

Some called 100 for Police. Some offered to take him to SSKM Hospital but Abhishek requested them to, call his father on his mobile and reach him home in a Taxi.

They rushed him home and one of them stayed with Abhishek until his father arrived.

His father took him to Sri Aurobindo Seva Kendra where he was attended, a CT Scan of the brain, X-ray of his rib cage, which was hurting. They started treating him and didn’t insist on payment first.

And his father said, “24 Hours have passed and Abhishek is recovering. His iPhone was intact. Not a single rupee missing from his wallet. Not a single item of value missing. My home full of antiques was NOT robbed. The police were polite and courteous”.

Police didn’t insist when his father told them that they will not be able to report to the Shakespeare Road Police Station.


It Expresses His Deepest Gratitude Towards Strangers

Assistant Professor Aloke Kumar wants to thank people whole-heartedly who helped his son.

He said, “Who were these people who first came to his help, called the police, called me, took him home, paid the cab out of their pocket? I DO NOT know any of them. This is Calcutta I always knew,  I stayed behind,  I love. Thank You All”

I say thank god first then thank people. If God’s grace is there, people will show humanity to others. If not, they will ignore and move away. God help those who help others. It is absolutely TRUE. Entertales wishes your son to have a speedy recovery. Stay blessed. What do you say? Share us in the comments. And there are such kind hearts who sold their jewelry to help Indian soldiers. Read this.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.