
Flowers And The Reasons Why They Are Offered To Gods

Pink Flower

5. Different Flowers


Different Gods love different flowers. Hence, its a common practice to offer a variety of flowers to Gods, their favorite ones. However, flowers with thorns should be avoided.


6. Devotion


And finally, flowers offer an extra sense of devotion as well as help us connecting better with the God.


7. Attraction


It is said different flowers with different aromas attract different deities towards them. Because of their attraction power, flowers are so preferred.

There are many flowers like Rajas, Sattva, etc. And each one is the favorite of atleast one God. For example, Lord Rama likes Arali flowers. The Sun God Surya likes Vilva flowers. Lord Ganesha is fond of Tulsi flowers and Goddess Parvati likes Arka and Amla flowers.

Check out the most expensive flowers in the world.

So, which one is your favorite flower? And to which deity it is offered. Do tell us in the comments below.

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