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Everything You Need To Know About Coughs: When To Seek Treatment

Types Of Cough

Coughing is a completely natural thing to do, and most of the time, it doesn’t mean you’re sick – it’s just the body’s way of clearing the throat or chest of anything that might be causing an irritation (much like sneezing clears the nasal passages, for example). However, in some cases, a cough is a symptom of something much more serious, and there are times when it’s wise to see a doctor and seek treatment.

The issue is that we’re so used to coughing and not thinking anything of it that it’s easy to dismiss a cough as nothing to worry about, and although that will be the case in most situations, not getting help when you need it can be a big mistake. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at what you need to know about coughs and when you should seek treatment.

Different Types Of Coughs


Perhaps you haven’t thought about it before, but there are a few different types of coughs, and each one can mean something different, so understanding those different types can help guide you in knowing when to get help.

  • Acute Cough

An acute cough lasts for a short amount of time (probably less than three weeks), and it’s something you’ll often get when you have a cold or the flu, for example.

  • Subacute Cough

This kind of cough lasts a little longer and could stay with you for as long as eight weeks or so.

  • Chronic Cough

As the name suggests, a chronic cough is a much longer-lasting one, which can hint at another condition, so if your cough lasts for longer than eight weeks, it’s time to see your doctor.

When To Seek Medical Attention


As we’ve said, a cough that lasts for a longer time and lasts more than eight weeks is a sure sign that you need to see your doctor to get checked out. It could be that you have any of a wide range of conditions, and the cough is a big sign that something is wrong. Once your doctor has carried out tests, they can give you a diagnosis and help you with the next steps if you need to take any. You might need to see specialists at the Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, Florida), for example, or it might be a case of taking whatever medication is prescribed.

Another sign that you’ll need to see a doctor is if the cough makes it difficult to breathe, as it could mean you’ve got something along the lines of COPD or pneumonia. Plus, if you’re coughing up blood (either because you’re coughing so hard or because you’re bleeding internally), you should head to the ER immediately.

In fact, if your cough is accompanied by chest pain, fever and chills, wheezing (or noisy breathing), and/or sudden weight loss, your best next step is to get medical help. A cough isn’t necessarily something to worry about, but when there are other symptoms, or it just won’t go away no matter what you try to do, your body is probably trying to tell you something, and it’s important to listen.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator