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14 Proposals So Creative That You Can’t Say No To Them

Creative Proposalsvia

So, it’s been 8 months. And finally, you summed up all your courage to propose her. The day has come and you are still in dilemma how to propose her in the best manner possible. Yeah, we know it’s quite a hard job. No one wants to hear a no, until obviously it’s your professor saying, “No!” to the surprise test. After all, those things you did for her, the love and care you gave her, proposing a person becomes a very significant point in your life. And you want to make it memorable for both of you in every possible way.


By telling about your feelings to the other person, you can make him/her realize that you two have moved from just good friends to something more beautiful. Now, whether you are a boy or girl, there are thousands of videos and ideas on YouTube and Google on how to propose your to be soul-mate. But, copying these ideas exactly will not only make it harder to implement but you will also lose your originality. Want to hear a “Yes, I do!” Want your rating to surge from 0 to 10 on her love index. Time to wake your creative self-up and refuel your brain with new thoughts. Want some help, some inspiration, and some ideas to start from. Not to worry, we are always there. Here is a list of 14 out of the box proposals so creative that you can’t say no to them-


1. Flipbook


Kudos to this guy, if you are the one! And your artistic skills. Drawing out your imagination, your feeling and memories for your girl on a piece of paper isn’t an easy thing. But even proposing your girl isn’t that easy, right? Hard work gets the fruit, and so will you. Just get a notepad, draw your love for her and convert it into a flipbook. That’s it.


2. MapLove

Map Proposal

This guy is definitely in for some marathon. He started from a point in the city, a very well chosen point. Took his girlfriend with him. And the run ended at the point of their first date. After this, he showed her the GPS and well, that was it. Seems like beyond creative and too compelling.


3. This Even Surprised NASA!

Moon Proposal
Telescope and lens

Looks like now it’s much easier to write on the moon. This guy made moon his own textbook and wrote the message of love for her to be fiancée. Now let’s get to the details. How you can do the same? Just buy a telescope, take out its lens (no, we are not telling you to break it!), spoil the lens with the message of your love written from ink, place it back there, and done. Call your girl and ask her to see the moon. “It looks so good today.” And as soon as she will see it, obviously from your telescope, you know the answer!


4. Roller Coaster Proposal

Roller Coaster Proposal

This guy was quite a daring one with some faithful friends too. He made placards depicting the message “Lindsay, Will you marry me?” and asked her girlfriend to wait for them while they do have a roller coaster ride. And in the midst of the ride, the placards were revealed to her, she saw it and her reaction was definitely in the affirmative.

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