These Tips Will Help You To Improve The Battery Life Of Your Smartphone


The smartphones have changed our lives. It allows us the access to a number of things which are required nowadays. However, the only thing that bothers us about the smartphones is their battery life. So today we have brought you some tips that will improve the battery life of your smartphones.


1. Check Before You Buy A Phone


Just keep in mind one thing in mind. The manufacturers never write the demerits of their products. Before buying a phone just browse through the reviews.


2. Check The Apps Running In The Background


You should stop the unwanted apps that are running in the background as they suck the battery of your phone.


3. Turn The Pollings On For Social Media Apps


To illustrate, if you receive 20 notifications per hour, the push-based system turns your phone radio 20 times but if you set it to the poll-based system, it will be manual and it depends on you how many times you check for notifications.

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Ravi Dabas: A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.