The Most Photographed Tigress Machli, Queen of Ranthambore Dies


Machli, 19-year-old tigress, often touted as the ‘Queen of Ranthambore’ in Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan died on Wednesday morning.




She was famous for her fight with a 14-foot-long crocodile that has become one of the most remembered and memorable incidents.




Watch it here




The most-photographed tigress, Machli crossed the average life expectancy of tigers which stands at 12-13 years.




The story behind her name is quite interesting. She had a fish-shaped mark on her face and so her name evolved as Machli.




You will be astonished by the popularity of Machli as so many number of Face book pages dedicated to her along with a postage stamp.




"She  gave birth to about five litters which is extraordinary; and the way she'd been hunting was distinct, showing her extraordinary agility and adaptability," Sharma, a former forester and founder of Sariska Tiger Foundation said.






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Pavani Bharathula: I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.