
Your Choice Of Colors Can Tell About Your Personality – Find Out About Yourself Here


5. Purple

purple was often a representation of royalty and higher society

In the past, purple color was often a representation of royalty and the higher society. It meant total sophistication, wealth and perfect luxury. During early times, only the rich could afford to wear the shades of purple. Presently, purple color when worn indicates creativity, with insight, and the love of art. People who wear purple color are very emotional and sensitive.


6. Red

Red is the color of passion and power

Red signifies passion and power. Any bright shade of red draws attention towards the person wearing them. People tend to link the vibrant color with energy, movement, and also excitement. Psychologists at the University of Rochester researched that men are generally more attracted to women who wear a ruby tint. “Red color is a stimulant for men,” said Abby Calisch.


7. Yellow

Yellow is the color of happiness, sun, and laughte

Yellow signifies happiness, sun, and also laughter. Studies claimed that yellow increases the production of serotonin in the brain which speeds up metabolism and also lifts the mood of all those who are around it. Shades of yellow color are often used by active, also creative and addicted people. They are the bright dreamers and adventurers who are always ready to conquer and explore.


8. White

White is the symbol of freedom, purity, innocence, and simplicity.

The white colors are the symbol of freedom, purity, innocence, as well as simplicity. So the color white attracts the reliable people who love freedom and also look at life optimistically. Hence these kind of people are very neat and also organized in everything they do. They like new beginnings and also strive for perfection. White is a neutral color that rarely repels the others.